From: Todd Hollenshead
To: "'Piotr Marek Jr.'"
Subject: RE: word QUAKE in domain name? urgent copyrights question.
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 09:17:37 -0500
This should be fine as long as there is no commercial exploitation of the
trademark. You should still give id credit for ownership of the registered
trademark QUAKE. "QUAKE is a registered trademark of Id Software, Inc.
All rights reserved." should be sufficient.
Todd Hollenshead
id Software, Inc.
From: Piotr Marek Jr.
Sent: Monday, June 02, 1997 3:11 AM
Cc: Kamil 'RooS' Ruszkowski; Marcin Jagodzinski; Marcin Klimowski
Subject: word QUAKE in domain name? urgent copyrights question.
Dear Todd,
I hope You're the right person to talk about. I have very
urgent question concerning "Quake" word and copyrights
related to it.
I live in Poland and we have an idea with my close friends
to set up kind of a main Polish Quake resources Web server.
Something like Slipgates but with news added.
I run a Quakepage by myself but we thought something bigger
would keep up the growing number of players in Poland and
information stream coming on every day.
When it came to the name of a domain which is quite important
for us (must be so obvious that even newcomer should reach us)
and the name we thought would be great is my biggest concern.
Here's my question: is it possible to register domain name like
so the website would be
Why we have chosen such name? It names directly our interests,
it claims that we are here for no comercial things, and of
course it points we are Polish server (.pl top-level).
If, by any means, such (and similar) domain name would violate
id Software's copyrights - please let me know and maybe You could
give me some guidelines what should be avoided.
Your (or anyone at charge) response will be very appreciated and
we'll be grateful to hear id Software's opinion.
Piotr Marek, Jr.